As the rabbit cried in Alice in Wonderland, “I’m late, I’m late for a very important date. No time to say, ‘Hello’, goodbye! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!

Besides not posting my blog entry on time, I must again confess my writing progress has been slow. In my defense, I did completely rewrite several chapters.  So I’m on my way!

I also realized, I needed to change my antagonist who is a female marine biologist. I randomly came across an article that described marine biology as a male dominated career in a very chauvinistic sense. This doesn’t fit my worldview as females have continued to struggle in this occupation to be acknowledged as professionals.

Are you surprised that my novel involves marine biology?  I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska that is landlocked with no oceans nearby. At age ten I watched all the cowboy shows on television, but then became fascinated with Sea Hunt, a show that featured a Navy frogman, Mike Nelson, played by Lloyd Bridges (the father of Beau and Jeff). My interest then expanded to a book entitled The Silent World by Jacque Cousteau. I began watching his documentaries about the ocean.

I became the only kid on my block that knew Cousteau was one of the early pioneers in modifying the Aqua Lung, which evolved into current SCUBA diving gear. I could proudly state that SCUBA meant self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.

Surrounded by land, I fell in love with the ocean. You may ask why I became a lawyer and then investment manager instead of a marine biologist.  A story for another time.

As the rabbit cried in Alice in Wonderland, “I’m late, I’m late for a very important date. No time to say, ‘Hello’, goodbye! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!

Besides not posting my blog entry on time, I must again confess my writing progress has been slow. In my defense, I did completely rewrite several chapters.  So I’m on my way!

I also realized, I needed to change my antagonist who is a female marine biologist. I randomly came across an article that described marine biology as a male dominated career in a very chauvinistic sense. This doesn’t fit my worldview as females have continued to struggle in this occupation to be acknowledged as professionals.

Are you surprised that my novel involves marine biology?  I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska that is landlocked with no oceans nearby. At age ten I watched all the cowboy shows on television, but then became fascinated with Sea Hunt, a show that featured a Navy frogman, Mike Nelson, played by Lloyd Bridges (the father of Beau and Jeff). My interest then expanded to a book entitled The Silent World by Jacque Cousteau. I began watching his documentaries about the ocean.

I became the only kid on my block that knew Cousteau was one of the early pioneers in modifying the Aqua Lung, which evolved into current SCUBA diving gear. I could proudly state that SCUBA meant self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.

Surrounded by land, I fell in love with the ocean. You may ask why I became a lawyer and then investment manager instead of a marine biologist.  A story for another time.

I promise to publish on schedule in December.  In this crazy Covid-19 environment, please stay safe and well.

I promise to publish on schedule in December.  In this crazy Covid-19 environment, please stay safe and well.

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